Tango Therapy Music - Tango-Therapy Neurotango

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Within the training to become a Neurotango® Practitioner, the participants learn 15 #NeurotangoTools, for each of which they receive music examples.
The music for tango therapy should be chosen with much consideration. Only a few Argentinean tangos are well suited because they have to fulfil some criteria. Argentine tango often has a range of melodic and rhythmic parts within one piece. These pieces are difficult to count and, therefore, not very suitable for musical beginners or amateurs. In addition, many pieces have different speeds and musical dynamics, as is typically the case with the music of Astor Piazzolla.
In order to bring the exercises/movement sequences (#NeurotangoTools) into time without any problems, only those pieces were chosen that have easily audible and regular beats without being interrupted by melodic parts. The positive effect of tango therapy can be seen in the harmonisation of the entire body (blood pressure, brain waves, heartbeat, etc.). The movement on and in the bars causes a steady flow of impulses/body frequencies, starting from the auditory stimuli via the brain.
The songs in the Tango Vals (6/8 time - Vals criollo) and in the Milonga (2/4 time) also have a simple time structure that is easy to hear but, above all, not too fast. Because of the complexity of most traditional pieces, we have also resorted to Neo Tango. There, the bar structure is mostly simple and partly more appealing to younger participants. But also, the older participants like to be caught by the rhythm and dynamics of the modern tango pieces and are enthusiastic.
To simplify the work of the therapist during the class, we have introduced the headings below. You can easily find the music for the exercises you have chosen. This kind of concept also makes it possible for therapists such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, or medical doctors without knowledge of music and dance to integrate tango therapy into their areas.
You can also find the music for our exercise videos in the sections below. For example, the Neuro Exercises and the Simple Bars section for the Neurotango Tools.
In addition to the suggestions above, you can also use our recommended Spotify playlist to have a sufficient supply of music for the exercises.

Enjoy practising the NeuroTango Tools #NTT.
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